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Help us stop the decline of the Atlantic Salmon in our rivers and improve river environments. We need to persuade the Scottish Government to deliver on the Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan in terms of action and timescale. We also need to educate the general public that the salmon is an indicator species and losing it means that we are losing the pristine environment in our rivers and tributaries and affecting insect life, birds and mammals. We must not let that happen.    

Bob Kindness talking about his Carro successes

Bob Kindness talk on stocking and why it is an important tool in halting the decline of Atlantic Salmon.

On November 10, The Tay Ghillies Association hosted a talk by Bob Kindness on what he has acheved by stocking and recovering salmon stocks on the River Carron in Sutherland. He told us about the clever techniques he has employed to ensure success and about the resulting returnees. There is certainly food for thought. 

The only disappointment was the lack of engagement by the Marine Directorate - they have listened to his talks but no more - no engagement, no desire to learn more, no change to their policy. THAT MUST CHANGE! To listen to his talk go to 

Bob Kindness talk 10 Nov 2023
00:00 / 1:43:29

About Atlantic Salmon SOS

Atlantic Salmon SOS is a website dedicated to saving the wild Atlantic Salmon and to putting pressure on the Scottish Government to move quickly to deliver the Scottish Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan. We aim to raise awareness about the threats to the Atlantic Salmon and provide information and resources to help protect them. Our organisation is made up of passionate individuals who are committed to safeguarding the future of this iconic species.

Our Aim

Our aim is to educate the general public about why this fish is so iconic and important to Scotland. We are  working with local communities,  and other stakeholders to to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Atlantic Salmon and the ecosystems they call home. Issues at sea must be addressed by govenments and large charities, but much can be done in Scottish Rivers to protect and conserve wild Atlantic Salmon populations. We monitor populations, and advocate for policies that will help protect these incredible fish.  Most of all, we urge stakeholders who can act, to act NOW


Your support can help us continue our vital work to protect the wild Atlantic Salmon. Your donation will go towards funding projects, advocacy, and community outreach initiatives that are essential to the survival of this species. Every little bit helps, so please consider making a donation today.

Get Involved

We need your help to save the Atlantic Salmon. Whether you're a concerned angler, a member of the public, a scientist, or a policymaker, there are many ways to get involved with our organisation. Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our latest news and events, volunteer your time and expertise, or make a donation to support our work. Together, we can make a difference.


The Scottish Government  issued its wild salmon strategy in January 2022 and the strategy implementation plan in February 2023. The Plan is to be delivered "at pace". 

There is little sign of any pace and one wonders if the disparate organisations in the "Delivery" Group are not in full agreement on the way forward. As we approach the first anniversary of the plan, we will be asking for sight of the progress achieved in the last year. It should make interesting reading ........

See the strategy here

And the Plan here

Latest Project

The film commissioned by the Tay Ghillies has now been released. It tells the story behind the decine in the Atlantic Salmon and why we must do everything possible to halt the decline. This is not just about angling - it goes far beyond that. The decline of salmon has repercussions on Scotland's environment, rivers and seas, it will affect rural communities, local businesses, hospitality and population health. See the film and share it now.

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