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Joining Forces for the Salmon Cause

The TGA Logo - a leaping salmon near Perth

This site has been created by the Tay Ghillies Asociation (TGA). For years we have worked hard to entertain and educate guests to our rivers allowing them to catch and release this wonderful fish. We have raised thousands of pounds to fund improvements to the Tay Hatchery and capital equipment. We have also looked after the river bank to ensure the enjoyment of walkers and those who enjoy the wildlife surrounding the river. 

However, the time has come to do more. The Atlantic Salmon is in crisis and they desperately need our help. Man has done much to adversely affect its environment - now is the time for Man to repair the damage and give this magnificent fish the future it deserves.

We cannot do it alone. We need every angling and environmental organisation to join forces and call on the Scottish Government and the Government Organisations to implement the Scottish Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan in the timescales stated. We also need them to review their current policies to ensure our iconic fish has the same priorities as other species. In short, we need action.

Our team so far

To make things happen, we are partnering with angling clubs, statutory organisations, and environmental groups. In a short space of time we have engaged on significant projects with partners who bring different skill sets: 

1. River Ericht Catchment Restoration Initiative  - the second project in Scotland to receive a Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers award.


The Partners

2. Smart Rivers - a project on various rivers in the Tay system to analyse invertebrate life as an indicator of water quality

Smart Rivers Partners

As more people and organisations join, their names will be added here:

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