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Join the fight to save wild Atlantic Salmon!

To influence the Scottish Government and to help educate environmental groups and the general public, we need people to hold their hands up to be counted and join Atlantic Salmon SOS. Right now, the priority is to ensure that the Scottish Government delivers on the Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan.
We would like angling clubs, individual anglers, environmental groups, schools and members of the general public to joins us from all over Scotland  - united, our voice will be heard by those who can influence decision making and get things done. Alone, we, and the Salmon we love, stand little chance 

All we ask of you is to submit your name (or organisation name) to us so that we can add it to the list of supporters. Please include your email address so that we can keep in contact with you.

To join the campaign fill in the form below. 

All personal information will be held on secure servers. See our privacy policy . 


Join Atlantic Salmon SOS

Thanks for submitting and for helping the Atlantic Salmon!!

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